What you are looking at right now are 350 of
the most leaked passwords on the Have I Been Pwned database.
The visualization tool shows how much time it takes to guarantee bruteforce
attack on each password depending on the attacker's hardware (the average
time is half of the guaranteed time). Consider that, in real life, attackers
use much more sophisticated methods to attack passwords, so if your password
is on the compiled list, you should be really worried,
and change it immediately . As for what each X axis mark means,
1 GPU represents a high-end graphics card that can try about password combinations per second.
25 GPUs represents a cluster of 25 high-end graphics cards
that can try about 500.000.000.000 password combinations per second.
Finally, NSA represents the (not confirmed) theoretical estimated
computational power of agencies like the NSA, which can crunch about password combinations per second. And just to
put a bit of context, 10,000 seconds are equivalent to
less than 3 hours , 1,000,000 seconds are equivalent to
12.5 days , 1,000,000,000 seconds are equivalent to
more than 31 years and 30,000,000,000 seconds
are equivalent to 9.5 centuries .